Fast jag tänkte att jag skulle tipsa om en artikel som beskriver en ny funktion i Exchange 2010 som nu ytterligare förfinats i och med ServicePack1 (SP1). Tidigare när man skapat en ny mailbox i Exchagne (före Exchange 2010) har man alltid varit tvungen att ange vilken mailstore som mailboxen skall lagras i. Nu behöver man inte det längre.
Artikeln tar upp hur denna nuya automatiska funktion fungerar och vilka fördelar/nackdelar som finns. (det kan kännas lite skrämmande med att det slumpas fram vilken databas som används, men som artikeln beskriver så behöver detta inte vara så läskigt.. :)
Artikeln hittar man här
Åsså som vanligt ett litet smakprov
It's important to note, however, that automatic mailbox distribution is performed only when a mailbox is created on an Exchange 2010 server, moved to an Exchange 2010 server, or when a user is mailbox-enabled. The New-Mailbox, New-MoveRequest, and Enable-Mailbox cmdlets, and the EMC must be run from, or must be connected to, a server running Exchange 2010. Exchange doesn't redistribute mailboxes to distribute load across databases automatically based on server load. Exchange 2010 also doesn't take into account the database load or disk space available when choosing a database.
What some admins may find somewhat disconcerting is that Exchange randomly chooses the database where the mailbox should be located. But, no need for alarm because you have control over which databases Exchange can actually choose. In fact, you can use this to your advantage and take control out of the hands of junior or department-level admins or your help desk personnel and enforce company processes consistently using mailbox distribution. You can specify which databases should be excluded from the selection process entirely and which databases can only be selected when actions are taken by certain administrators
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