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En fråga som ofta dyker upp är "hur kan jag virtualisera Lync?". Tja det finns så klart ett svar på det:
läs sedan den här:
där mycket av det viktigaste står här:
You can mix physical and virtual servers in your deployment, with only the following restrictions:
- You cannot mix different types of servers within the same pool. All servers within the same pool must either be physical or virtual. For these purposes, Front End Servers and SQL Servers running the back-end database are considered to be separate, meaning that you can have virtual Front End Servers using a physical back-end database, or physical Front End Servers and a virtual back-end database. Note however that the back-end database has a real-time requirement for presence updates, which is unlike many SQL Server applications. If you run a virtual back-end database you must be aware of performance issues, especially if the host of the virtual back-end database is running other applications.
This is the only limitation to mixing physical and virtual servers. You could have some Front End pools of physical servers and others of virtual servers. And you can deploy different types of pools and servers as either physical or virtual in any combination.
- All servers within one pool should provide about the same performance. For example, if you have virtual Front End Servers in one pool being hosted on different host servers, you should make sure each virtual Front End Server is capable of a similar level of performance.
Lync Server supports the use of virtual clustered storage. However, live migration (and other types of migration) of virtual servers running Lync Server is not supported. As with physical servers, Lync Server 2013 virtual servers do not support SQL clustering.
(det är jag som markerat en del med fetstil)
Är man nyfiken på Lync 2010 så finns ungefär samma info här:
Men seriöst, det finns i princip inga skäl att välja Lync 2010 nu när 2013 är här... :)
Vi avslutar med "Lync Server 2013 Survivalguide". Det är en Wiki som har som mål att samla länkar till en nassa bra Lync information.
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