Det är ett faktum att Forefront TMG kommer att läggas ned tillsammans med ett antal andra produkter (vilket jag skrivit om tidigare här)
Jag vill bara här visa vad Microsoft själva skriver som kommentar till artikeln om att man lägger ned TMG.
På sidan 5 av kommentarerna står det så här:
We wanted to clarify some details around the discontinuation of Forefront TMG to help address many of the questions we’ve seen posted in the comments section.
First, it is important to note that while Forefront TMG is being discontinued, it will continue to be supported in mainstream support through April 14, 2015 and in extended support through April 14, 2020. When and how a customer transitions to a replacement solution will depend on how the customer is using TMG today. Customer use scenarios vary, but these general guidelines should help:
- For customers using TMG for caching, secure web gateway (forward proxy), and firewall, we recommend that, prior to April 14, 2020, customers examine the many vendor solutions available in market today that offer comparable features to the TMG product. Microsoft does not plan to transition this functionality to any other Microsoft products.
- For customers using TMG for reverse proxy, transitioning to Forefront UAG is an option. Most web publishing scenarios that are supported by TMG can be published by UAG, though specific functionality may not be identical. For customers who do not want to transition to Forefront UAG, customers should plan on transitioning to an alternative vendor solution prior to April 14, 2020.
- For customers using Forefront TMG Web Protection Services, we recommend that customers examine the many vendor solutions available in market today that offer comparable reputation services by Dec. 31, 2015. This product will no longer receive updates starting January 1, 2016.
We hope that these general guidelines provide additional clarity. Please continue to contact your Microsoft account teams or partner managers with any questions about your specific scenarios.
The Forefront TMG Team
The Forefront TMG Team
Så om någon suttit och hoppats på att TMG skall komma tillbaka... Det verkar inte så. :(
Det är däremot dags att börja kika på alternativa produkter.... frågan är ju bara: Vad skall man ha då? :)
Förläng livet på TMG med hjälp av Zscaler cloud scanning: