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portar som används av Micrsoft DPM

Protocol  Port              Details
DCOM      135/TCP Dynamic   The DPM control protocol uses DCOM.
                            DPM issues commands to the file agent by invoking
                            DCOM calls on the agent. The file agent responds
                            by invoking DCOM calls on the DPM server.
                            TCP port 135 is the DCE endpoint resolution point
                            used by DCOM.

                            By default, DCOM assigns ports dynamically from
                            the TCP port range of 1024 through 65535. You
                            can, however, configure this range by using
                            Component Services. For more information, see
                            Using Distributed COM with Firewalls

TCP       148/TCP           The DPM data channel is based on TCP.
          3149/TCP          Both DPM and the file server initiate connections
                            to enable DPM operations such as synchronization
                            and recovery.
                            DPM communicates with the DPM Agent Coordinator
                            on port 3148 and with the file agent on port 3149.

DNS       53/UDP            Used between DPM and the domain controller, and
                            between the file server and the domain controller,
                            for host name resolution.

Kerberos 88/UDP             Used between DPM and the domain controller, and
         88/TCP             between the file server and the domain controller,
                            for authentication of the connection endpoint

LDAP     389/TCP            Used between DPM and the domain controller
         389/UDP            for Active Directory queries.

NetBIOS  137/UDP            Used between DPM and the file server,
         138/UDP            between DPM and the domain controller,
         139/TCP            and between the file server and the domain controller

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