En bra sammanställning av Ruben Spruijt.
Detta är den senaste VDI Smackdown med de nya versionerna.
Så här skriver Ruben:
Are you looking for an independent overview of the Server Hosted Desktop Virtualization (VDI) solutions and curious about the different features- and functions each Desktop Virtualization
vendor is offering!? Then this is the whitepaper you must definitely read. In the current market there is an increasing demand for unbiased information about Desktop Virtualization solutions.
This white paper is focused on solutions that are anticipated to have an important role in Application and Desktop Virtualization. An overview of available features of each solution has been created to better understand each solutions capability. The solutions included in the feature matrix are: Citrix XenDesktop 5.5, Citrix VDI in a Box 5.0 (Kaviza), Microsoft VDI with RemoteFX, Quest vWorkspace 7.5 and VMware View 5.0; Compared to the previous VDI Smackdown, more than 1010 new and updated features are included in this whitepaper.
Det är med andra ord de flesta VDI lösningarna som folk talar om som är med i denna.
Läs och begrunda. Ruben gör bra saker... :)
här hittar man hans blogginlägg: http://www.brianmadden.com/blogs/rubenspruijt/archive/2011/02/19/smackdown-your-vdesktop-head-to-head-analysis-of-citrix-xendesktop-microsoft-vdi-remotefx-quest-vworkspace-and-vmware-view.aspx
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