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Microsoft höjer priset på MS SQL 2008 när R2 släpps...

Sedan tidigare vet vi att Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 kommer att släppas under Maj. *wohoo*

En nyhet som kommit ut nu är att man även kommer att höja priset (se denna post)

Som vanligt är det en liten Copy-Paste övning (fetstilen har jag lagt till):

The launch of SQL Server 2008 R2 will bring some exciting new capabilities to customers. Important to note though is that with R2, prices will go up. How much? The price per processor license for 2008 R2 Standard Edition will increase 25%. For the R2 Enterprise Edition, the price per processor will increase 15%. For both editions, server CAL licensing will remain flat. This price increase will take effect upon General Availability of R2 – this May. We’re not talking much time here.
But it's not all... meh. So what’s the upside? Customers with Software Assurance can deploy and run SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard and Enterprise editions with no price increase until they hit the first renewal after GA. The big opportunity for customers and partners alike is to renew their Software Assurance. By avoiding the price increase, and by taking advantage of promotions oriented around SA renewal, promotions like Open Value VAR Rebate, Simplify & Save, and until March 31st, the SQL 2008 BI Promotion, the savings will be substantial, and the upgrade to R2 is free.

Med andra ord: Det blir lite dyrare...

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