Planning, Deploying, and Testing an Exchange 2010 Site-Resilient Solution sized for a Medium Organization (Part 2)
Dessa två handlar om precis vad det låter som. Hur man sätter upp Exchange 2010 då att man får en redundant lösning i två hallar. Lösningen kanske inte funkar för alla, men den ger en del tips och tankar.
Del 3 i serien kommer vilken dag som helst (hälsar för fattaren Henrik Walther
Disk Performance Testing with JetStress Tool for Exchange Server 2010
Hur kan man testa vilken Disk I/O man faktiskt får från sina diskar... Tja det finns många olika verktyg. Här tar man upp ett som testar på det sätt som Exchange jobbar. Alla (typ alla i varjefall :)) applikationer har ju sitt eget trafikmönster i hur den jobbar mot disk. Detta gör att ett verktyg som testar MS SQL 2010 disk I/O inte alls behöver motsvara hur bra det kommer gå med en Exchange...
Artikeln börjar:
Once again, Microsoft has significantly dropped down the I/O throughput requirements for Exchange Server 2010 when comparing with previous versions. But then again, the storage subsystem is still a crucial piece of the overall Exchange performance, that's why tools like JetStress are so important. JetStress 2010 simulates disk I/O loads produced by a specific number of users, thus helping verifying the performance and stability of the storage subsystem prior to putting a Microsoft Exchange Server into production.
The newest version of JetStress supports Exchange 2003, 2007 and 2010, but for legacy Exchange (2003 and 2007) it is recommended that you use Jetstress 2007.
There are two categories of test scenarios: disk subsystem throughput and mailbox profile.
In the disk subsystem throughput test scenario, you can do the following types of tests:the Exchange
- Performance of database transactions (the performance test becomes a stress test when its duration is longer than six hours)
- Streaming backup
- Soft recovery
In the Exchange mailbox profile test scenario, you can specify the number of mailbox users and I/O per seconds per mailbox to simulate the profiled Exchange mailbox load.
To further complement the results provided by JetStress, it is recommended that you also use System Monitor and Event Viewer to validate that the performance criteria is met or exceeded and that no errors are logged.
Managing Internet Calendar Sharing in Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (Part 1)
En lite klurigare pryl som kommit med SP1 till Exchange 2010. Jag tror att när företagen väl fått upp ögonen för denna funktion så kan den slå riktigt ordentligt... Fast vi får se. :)
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